From the course: Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Create a 3D text object

Create a 3D text object

- [David] Have you ever wanted to make a 3D rotating text logo? Well, if you're a CG artist, you've probably done it at least once in your life and guess what? Blender makes it really easy to make 3D text, so in this week's Blender's Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, I'm gonna show you just how to make it. It's actually quite simple. Let's go ahead and delete this cube, X + delete. Shift + C if your scene did not get centered. Shift + A, Text, and there you go, you now have a text object. If I come over here, I can hit Tab and type in lots of words, words, words, words, words. I can even do typos, look at that. If I want to use my arrow keys to come back here, delete and then type in R. Now, don't hit Enter, is because what that'll do is create a new line, what you want to do is hit Tab once you're done, and then let's drag this open here, click on F, and you can see that there's a whole bunch of options to play with. Let's come down here and play a little bit with say, Offset, now what…
