From the course: Sculpting a Game Asset in Blender

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Baking the normal and ambient occlusion (AO) maps

Baking the normal and ambient occlusion (AO) maps - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Sculpting a Game Asset in Blender

Baking the normal and ambient occlusion (AO) maps

- To bake a texture map, we need to come over here to the rendering panel, and scroll all the way down to the bottom, and right down here, you've got a section called bake. I'll twirl that triangle down, and here is our bake panel. We need to choose our bake type. Here, we've got all the different kinds of texture maps that we can bake out. We want a normal map, right here. Now, the way Blender does this, is it will bake the sculpt information from the selected object to the active object. What's the difference? The difference is the active object is the last one you select. So, you can select multiple objects, and those are all selected, but then the last one you select is the active one. Here, let's middle mouse button click, and drag this little bar down here at the bottom all the way over to here, just so we can see the layers panel. What I'm going to do is shift+click this first layer so we can see both the low poly hammer, and the high poly hammer. Here's the low poly one that…
