From the course: Microsoft Mixed Reality Development Tips

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- [Instructor] Hi, and welcome to Mixed Reality Fundamentals Top Tips. Today we're looking at optimization within Unity. When thinking about optimization, you will need to become familiar with tools, including the Profiler and the Frame Debugger. You'll also need to be ready to change settings within your Unity project to better tailor the editor and player build to your application. The first tip I would like to share is to use these tools from the outset. Too often, people get to the end of development and try to make the changes to their project after the fact. Problem is, you'll have incurred a huge development debt through adding a lot of things to change which could have been easily identified early on. An example of this is by continually using models or meshes which are not optimal for your project, and at the end realizing all your beautifully created models need to be reworked. This can be avoided by simply importing your models into Unity when you first get them and…
