From the course: Azure Functions for Developers

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Continuous integration and continuous deployment for Azure Functions

Continuous integration and continuous deployment for Azure Functions - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Functions for Developers

Continuous integration and continuous deployment for Azure Functions

- [Instructor] You can use a CI/CD pipeline to automatically build and test your code project and make it available to the users. There are plenty of CI/CD platforms and services in the market. In this video we'll see two of them, Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions. Let's start with Azure DevOps. Here I have the source code that we've been building throughout this course. If I go to the pipelines options, you can see that there is no pipeline yet. However, in order to accelerate this process, I created one pipeline here in this Azure pipelines.yml file. As can be seen, this pipeline is being triggered by the master branch. It's using Obuju as the VM image and it has two tasks. The first one is DotNet publish in order to of course, publish the application in this particular folder. And the second one is the Azure functions app publishing task. So let's test this by clicking on the Run button. And I'm going to pause the…
