From the course: Deploying Microsoft Entra ID

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User object overview

User object overview

- [Lecturer] All right. Now, let's get an overview of a User Object in the cloud. Azure AD can have both Hybrid and Native user objects co-exist in one single tenant. If you don't remember, a hybrid user has access to resources across on-prem and cloud environments. Whereas a cloud only user, typically has access to only cloud resources. Each user type whether hybrid or native, posses attributes from its original source that are required for it to be a valid object in Azure. So hybrid users will have relevant attributes synchronized from the windows server environment into Azure. And native users will have associated attributes generated when they are created in the cloud. In addition to the windows server attributes, hybrid users are also appended with the necessary cloud attributes on synchronization, to make it functional with features offered by Azure AD. A user account, its attributes and settings together in the cloud…
