From the course: Deploying Microsoft Entra ID

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Expiring groups

Expiring groups

- [Instructor] Now that we are done with crude operations, Let's talk about another brand new feature in Azure (mumbles) Expiring groups. In my opinion, this is a wonderful addition to groups, makes your life so much easier. This can be configured on Microsoft 365 groups, but unfortunately not security groups. The purpose of this feature is to automate the cleanup process and avoid group sprawls. It's a common occurrence in IT that you keep on creating groups and one day you realize there are just so many of them, a lot of which are no longer needed. Expiring groups help you prevent such inconvenient situations. All you have to do is apply an expiration policy to the group. And if you put on your thinking hats, you'll also understand why this is only available on Microsoft 365 groups and not security groups. It's because Microsoft 365 groups have a bigger footprint in terms of storage as compared to security…
