From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

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What are the concerns in designing noncombustion-driven vehicles?

What are the concerns in designing noncombustion-driven vehicles?

From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

What are the concerns in designing noncombustion-driven vehicles?

So vehicles, that don't use conventional combustion engines. Let's, let's talk about electric vehicles. The big challenge there is being able to package, being able to somewhere fit enough batteries or enough storage for the batteries without encroaching on the cabin space or the interior. One of the biggest things that we try to do in interior design is give the driver and the passengers as much room as possible so we are always trying to compress the door width, and we're always trying to raise the headline so we have that roomier feel. That's a very important important point. But when you have a component like a battery, or anything in that matter, you have to package somewhere you're, you're taking up real estate out of that cabin, so, that's a real challenge. And then also weight. So, once you add weight to the vehicle through the batteries, you know it affects the handling. And so, you know, you have to try to balance that and that whole dynamics of, of adding the extra weight…
