From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using the layer controls in the Layers panel in the ribbon

Using the layer controls in the Layers panel in the ribbon - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using the layer controls in the Layers panel in the ribbon

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick for today. Now what we're going to look at is the AutoCAD layers panel in the home tab in the AutoCAD ribbon. So we've got a new drawing for you. It's called WorkingWithLayers.dwg, and you can download that from the website as usual to follow along with this particular tip and trick video. Now you'll notice basically it's a drawing full of AutoCAD blocks. So we've got a double bed block here, and if I hover over that, you can see it's on the layer beds and all the properties color, line, type, et cetera. are set to by layer. So I click on that block, you can see over here in the properties panel it's all set to by layer. I'll just hit escape to deselect that block. Now here's our layers panel here. I'm going to click on the flyout, pin it open basically so that I can see all the commands available to me on that layers panel. I've got a group of layers available to me. If I click on the down arrow here, I've got beds, chairs…
