From the course: AutoCAD 2018 Essential Training

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Using grips and grip editing

Using grips and grip editing - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2018 Essential Training

Using grips and grip editing

- [Voiceover] Once again, we're staying in the same drawing, the 05_Modifying Objects.dwg file. What we're going to look at now is using grips, and grip editing. Now, you will have noticed whenever you select an object in AutoCAD, for example, a grid line, you'll see it goes blue, and you have those blue little squares at each end in the midpoint of that line. They are your grips. Now, those grips are extremely useful, especially with things like blocks and also lines, and arcs, and circles, because they allow you to utilize the grip editing tools on those particular AutoCAD objects. I'll just hit Escape there to deselect the grid line, I'll go over the View Control, click on the word "Top" again, and I'm going to go Custom Model Views and select the Office model view one more time. So we're zooming in, and I'm going to look at the left-hand office with the desk and the chair in it, and I'm going to zoom in nice and close on the desk and the chair. Now, the reason I'm doing this is I…
