From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using Quick Select to find and select objects quickly

Using Quick Select to find and select objects quickly - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using Quick Select to find and select objects quickly

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick for your AutoCAD toolbox. Now, what we're going to have a look at is a much maligned and underused and underrated command in AutoCAD. It's called Quick Select. So we've got a new drawing open for you, and it's called Using Quick Select.dwg, surprise, surprise. You can download it from the website to follow along with the video. Now, it's a little weird-shaped office environment. We've got some desks, some chairs. We've even got a nice circular table in the circular atrium there to the right. You'll also notice that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner have popped in, and they're hot-desking today, just to make our lives a little bit more interesting. So what we're going to do is look at Quick Select and how it works. Now, you'll notice that I've got some walls there. You can see them. They're on a particular layer. There's the layer in the drop-down, Walls, on the Home tab on the ribbon. Now, it may be that I want to change the color of the Walls…
