From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using the DIMREASSOCIATE command

Using the DIMREASSOCIATE command - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using the DIMREASSOCIATE command

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AudoCAD Tip and Trick, in my Tips and Tricks series. We're gonna look now at a really lovely command in AutoCAD called DIMREASSOCIATE and what it allows you to do is reassociate dimensions that might have been moved away by mistake, away from their existing geometry. We've got a nice new drawing for you to download from the library to follow along with the video. It's called BearingDimensions.dwg. So as usual download it, store it somewhere and then open it up in AutoCAD so that you can follow along with the video. Now we're in the Model tab of the BearingDimensions drawing and we've got a number of dimensions all available. Nice and neat and tidy, they're all annotative dimensions. So when you look at the ISO A2 Layout tab you can see that we've got view ports of different scales, but the annotative dimensioning makes sure that all the text and the arrow heads and everything is consistent on the dimensions in each of the scaled view ports. Now we're…
