From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Using Break and Join

Using Break and Join

- [Instructor] We're staying in the ModifyingObjects.dwg file, and what we're going to have a look at now are the Break and Join commands that are available to you in AutoCAD when you're working and editing your AutoCAD drawing. Now, you'll notice that we've got two offices there with some nice desks and chairs and so on, but there's no way of getting from one office to the other. We need an adjoining door. Now, the good thing is, we've got some doors already, and they're AutoCAD blocks, so we can copy one of these very quickly. I'm going to select this door here, right-click, Copy Selection, and I'm going to pick this point here. Now, if you want to zoom in and get a bit closer, you can see it's where the door touches the corner of the door opening, like so. You can see, there it is, ready to copy. Zoom out again, and pan a little, and we're going to just place it somewhere along this wall here. Now, you'll notice when I hover on the wall there I'm getting the endpoint. That's…
