From the course: AutoCAD 2018 Essential Training

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Uniform line spacing

Uniform line spacing

- [Instructor] So we're staying in our ConvertToMTEXT.dwg file, and in the previous video, we looked at the numbered and lettered list formatting with these ones here, number one and number two, which are now a piece of MText, as you can see when I hover over them. What we're going to look at now is that uniform line spacing but in a little bit more detail. In the last video, we set it up to pick up the numbering, the one and the two. But what it also did was it set up the uniform line spacing as well, so what you'll notice now with the single line text here, on three and four, can you see they're slightly out, just on the left there? They don't line up properly. Now one of the benefits you have with AutoCAD 2018 and the Convert to MText command, is that you're allowed now to pick on MText and single line text and tidy it up all at once. So what we're going to do is we're going to set up uniform line spacing on some MText and some single line text and see how that works. So we'll go…
