From the course: AutoCAD: 2D & 3D Elevations

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Setting viewports effectively

Setting viewports effectively - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: 2D & 3D Elevations

Setting viewports effectively

- [Instructor] So we're staying in our 09 Elevations 3D House drawing in the usual way as we've done in previous chapters where we're following along with the same drawing through the videos in each chapter. Now what we did in the last video was we actually positioned our viewports effectively. So as you can see there now in the Elevations 3D Equal Layout tab we've got a bit more space there for one more viewport if we needed it in the top right area next to the Notes column. Now what we need to look at is also setting our viewports effectively. Now it may be that we don't want that hidden visual style for our elevations, it's a little bit too liney, let's say, so we want color, like we've got in the isometric view and in the roof plan that we've got there. So what you might do to set your viewports effectively is double-click in the viewport like that and just change the Visual Style. I might set that to Conceptual, for example, and then I'll click in this viewport and I might change…
