From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Rotating with Copy and Reference

Rotating with Copy and Reference - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Rotating with Copy and Reference

- [Instructor] Welcome again to AutoCAD and another tip and trick that will make you that little bit more productive, that little bit more effective, in your AutoCAD working environment. So, we've got a nice new drawing to look at. It's called MODIFY_RotateCopyReference.dwg and, as usual, my tip and trick drawing titles tend to give away what we're going to do which is we're going to look at the Modify panel in AutoCAD in the Home tab on the ribbon. We're going to look at the rotate command and the copy and reference sub-commands in that rotate command. So, you'll notice in the drawing we have a few little additions to the drawing by way of furniture. So, you'll notice over here we have a circular table and a chair and we have a sofa with a very weird angled line going through it which looks a bit strange but we'll figure that one out in a moment. Now, I'm going to zoom in on the table and the chair first over here in what looks like sort of a refectory kind of area. So, I'm just…
