From the course: AutoCAD: Advanced 3D Modeling

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Model fasteners

Model fasteners

- [Instructor] Now we need some hardware that can connect these different elements here. So we need washers in here, and then on top of that we're going to have fasteners that go through, and then below that, we need something for the fasteners to attach to, and I'll call that a plate. So let's create some new layers. I'll go to the All filter, and then let's turn off the 2D Dropouts layer, don't need that right now. And we're going to create a series of 3D layers. So I'll select one of the 3D layers that we have, say Dropouts. And then underneath that, I'll create a layer and I'll call that -Plate. And I'll give that the color red. And then I'll make another layer called -Fasteners, and I'll give that a color of cyan. Finally, we need another layer called -Washer. And we'll give that a different color, let's say it's blue. Now, it doesn't really matter which colors you choose, just as long as you can differentiate these layers on the screen. Let's begin with the -Plate layer. I'll…
