From the course: AutoCAD 2019 Essential Training

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Logging into A360 Drive

Logging into A360 Drive

- [Instructor] We're staying in our Interface.dwg file as usual, and what we're going to look at now is logging in to our A360 functionality within AutoCAD itself. Now, if you don't know what A360 is, it's basically working in the cloud, this cloud thing that everybody talks about when it comes to technology and computers and the Internet. And Autodesk have taken advantage of that and have created a thing called A360 Drive, which is remarkably similar to things like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and so on. And the idea being is that you can store your drawings in the cloud and download them from the cloud to work on in AutoCAD. Now, in order to do that, you need an Autodesk ID, an Autodesk account. And if you haven't got one of those already, simply type in Autodesk ID in Google. It'll take you to the appropriate Accounts page on the Autodesk website, and you can set yourself up an Autodesk account. It normally is based around your email address and a password. And once…
