From the course: Learning FARO As-Built for AutoCAD

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- [Instructor] If you're tracing line work from the Point Cloud, you'll see that when you're picking points, you quite often pick points with difference in elevations. As-Built has a flattening tool that allows you to pick your lines from the Point Cloud, and then flatten everything to single elevation that you can choose from the drawing, or set to an elevation of zero, to produce 2D drawings. So, let's go and create some line work, and flatten it down to zero. And, we're going to take a look at some of these walkways here. So, we're just going to quickly trace out a little bit of this walkway for an idea of how this works. So, I'm just going to go and take a poly-line. So, I'm just going to take a 3D poly-line. And, I'm just going to just quickly trace out some of these walkways in the Point Cloud. (mouse clicking) So, I can just move around, and sort of see where the edges are. (mouse clicking) They come all the way down to here. (mouse clicking) And, I'm just going to go roughly…
