From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Design reuse: Working with insertion options in the BLOCK command

Design reuse: Working with insertion options in the BLOCK command - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Design reuse: Working with insertion options in the BLOCK command

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick. We're going to have a little look now at the new AutoCAD 2020 blocks palette, and how to utilize blocks from that palette quickly and easily in your drawings. So we've got a little drawing there for you. It's called Using Blocks.dwg, and that's available in the library for you to download to follow along with the video. Now, you can see we've got a little office environment there. We've got some chairs, some desks, some nice potted plants, you know, the usual drill. Now, what we're going to do is run the block command. So that's quick and easy. We're going to go up to the Insert tab on the ribbon, and there's the Block panel there, and I can click on the Insert Block command there if I want to. Bare in mind, it's also on the Home tab here in the Block panel as well. So I can click there too, like that, and I can insert blocks from their as well. Now, you'll be used to this bit already and you can see there that I can hover over…
