From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Convert dimensions to dimensional constraints in your drawings

Convert dimensions to dimensional constraints in your drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Convert dimensions to dimensional constraints in your drawings

- [Instructor] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick, and I'm going to be looking at the AutoCAD constraints again, so you may have seen a number of other tips and tricks about constraints. This time we're looking at converting AutoCAD dimensions into dimensional constraints. We've got a new drawing for this particular tips and tricks video. It's called clamp_constraints4.dwg. You can download it from the library. Don't confuse it with any other constraints drawings you may have downloaded for other tips and tricks videos, 'cause the settings in this drawing are important for this particular video. So you can see we've got a drawing open there. It's got a couple of dimensional constraints in place already. Now, I'm just going to jump to the Parametric tab quickly in the ribbon. If you can't see those dimensional constraints, it may be that they're hidden, so I click on Hide All there in the Dimensional panel. It may look like that. If it does, click on Show All, and it will show…
