From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: User

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Isometric overview

Isometric overview

- [Instructor] Well, here we go now with chapter 10. We're going to take a look at isometric creation. First let's navigate to our project, so we're going to go to Project Manager, Open, Desktop, Exercise Files, Chapter 10 and our Project XML. An isometric is just a simplified representation of the piping runs that have been modeled using Plant 3D. They give the detailed information that's required to both build the piping spool and install them during construction. In this chapter we'll take a look at how to extract these piping drawings from your Plant 3D Model and we'll see where they're located within the project structure. Let's look in Project Manager first. I'm going to take you down here and the third tab that we look at just below the orthographic drawings is our isometric drawings and I'm going to click on here. You'll always see an isometric drawing list and when I expand this folder, what you see here is what comes out of the box. These are the six styles that are…
