From the course: AutoCAD Plant 3D Essential Training: Admin

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Explore the user interface

Explore the user interface

Well, here we are. We find ourselves at chapter 13. And we're going to take a look at Report Creator. So let's see how we can generate reports, such as instrument lists, equipment take-offs, valve lists, et cetera. We know how to filter data, view data in data manager, and export that to an Excel spreadsheet, but to generate a formal report, which is formatted to meet client standards, we use an external program that comes with the Plant 3D product. We can locate it on our desktop or from the start menu like this. So we're going to go to our start menu. Plant 3D 2018 and Report Creator. So when we open up Report Creator, the first thing we want to do is to navigate to our exercise files. So Open, Desktop, Exercise Files, Chapter 13, and Project. I want you to take a look at what we see here. If we look in the Data Source, we'll see that it's set up the same way Plant 3D is. We have our P&ID Drawings grouped. We have our 3D Drawings grouped. We also have the option to choose from…
