From the course: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

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Selecting drawing units

Selecting drawing units

In this video, I'll discuss units. One of the first things that you want to do before you get started drawing is select a system of units. Open the Architectural Imperial Units sample file from the Chapter 02 folder and then type UN. Enter for units. This drawing is currently set to architectural, which means the foot and inch system. The symbol of inches is the double quote here. The symbol for feet is the single quote. They're both on the same key, next to the enter key on the keyboard. You don't actually ever have to enter the inch symbol because AutoCAD is going to interpret a number, like 18, as 18 inches. You can alternatively enter that as one foot six. That's 1'6 and AutoCAD will interpret that as 18 inches, just the same. You also have these other choices for units. So let's say i'm using the metric system. I would select decimal units in that case. Engineering units are actually based on feet and inches, but they use decimals, so if I wanted to say 18 inches in engineering…
