From the course: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

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Making dimension overrides

Making dimension overrides

Sometimes there are occasions where you'll want to make dimension objects that are different than the others in your drawing. But you don't want to go to the hassle of creating a separate dimension style for that. This is where dimension overrides come in handy. Open the Architectural5 sample file in the Chapter 10 folder and zoom in here into this wash room. Let's say we want to dimension the sink but, we want to have that dimension object up here smaller than the other dimensions in the drawing. Type d enter to access the dimension style, and then click Override. This essentially gives you a temporary dimension style with all of the parameters available for editing. So instead of using an overall scale of 70, let's say we want it to be 35. So half as large, okay? And now style overrides appears here in this hierarchical tree underneath standard. Click Close. Now, create a linear dimension, and go ahead and dimension this sink. That dimension is half as big as all of the other…
