From the course: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

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Enabling the heads-up display

Enabling the heads-up display

If you've been watching the videos in this course in a linear fashion, you've seen me use dynamic input many times. But if you're jumping in here, I'll show you how to use this system and I'll give you even more detail about how it works. So let's draw a line, and right now I'm seeing the dynamic input. That's controlled here with this status bar toggle. When that's off, I don't see that information next to the cursor. When it's on, we have the command prompt, it says the same thing down there in the command line, specify first point, and we also see two coordinate values for the x and the y coordinates. As I go through the commands it switched to the polar coordinate system, and it also is reading me the prompt, specify next point or down arrow. There's one option at this stage, which is Undo. Right here, I can click that on the command line, or I could press the down arrow on the keyboard to open up this menu where I could choose Undo here. Alternatively, I could type in U+Enter on…
