Del curso: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

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Creating a layout

Creating a layout

Del curso: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

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Creating a layout

In this video we will create and configure a layout. Open the architectural sample file in the chapter 15 folder. Before we dive into creating the layout, let's go into Options. Type OP, enter. Click on the Display tab. Down here, you'll find check boxes that are related to layouts. Let's choose to display the layout in model tabs. This will be an alternative interphase that appears down here in the lower left corner of the screen. We will display the printable area, this will appear as a dash line on the layout. We will also show the paper background and a shadow. Let's deselect these two options at first. I'd like to show you how to create a page set up manually and how to create a view port manually. Before we have autocad do that for us automatically. Click OK. And let's also go to the view tab and turn on the file tabs if they're not already displayed. So now up here on the file tabs you can position the cursor over the name of the file and you'll see this slide out appear. You…
