From the course: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

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Changing workspaces

Changing workspaces

AutoCAD's user interface is highly customizable. To give you a feeling for this, I'll show you how you can use workspaces to change the content of the ribbon. You can access workspaces in two different ways. One, use the Quick Access toolbar. And two, use the status bar. I'll show you both methods. Click this downward facing arrow to open this Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu. And then choose Workspace. This adds a new drop down to the tool bar. I can then open it and select 3d basics. This changes the content of the ribbon. It gives me a few 3d modeling tools here on the create panel. And some boolean tools on the edit panel. I still have some of the drawing tools available here and modification tools here. And those were available in the original workspace. But things are rearranged here according to the task at hand. So if I want to do a little 3D modeling, I might to switch to this workspace. It's not necessary but it makes things a little quicker and easier to find. AutoCAD is…
