From the course: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

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Architectural project: Drawing walls

Architectural project: Drawing walls

From the course: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

Architectural project: Drawing walls

In this video, we will begin drawing the walls from this floor plan sketch. We've already scaled this sketch up, so it's approximately at the right scale. Now, let's go ahead and begin drawing the walls. Click Line. Let's start down here in the lower-left corner. I'll draw a line all the way over here. I don't really know how far that's going to be yet, so I'll just draw it in, approximately like that. I notice down here it says eight inch thick typical. So I can offset this line, eight inches. So I click offset type eight Enter. And then select the red line and click below it to offset that down. And then press Enter. I can pan, we can see that may be a little better. No angles are given here. This looks to me like it's part of an octagon. So let's draw in an octagon with a four foot edge. And we'll put that in there. I'm going to pan over to the side a little bit, and use the polygon tool. The number of sides is eight. I don't know where the center would be, but I can use the edge…
