From the course: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

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Architectural project: Cutting openings

Architectural project: Cutting openings

From the course: AutoCAD 2015 Essential Training

Architectural project: Cutting openings

We're going to cut door openings and draw in the windows in this video. Open FloorPlan3. I'll zoom in here, and let's focus on the kitchen area. There's an opening over here. And it doesn't say how big it is, but it looks large. It looks like it's similar to this door. Let's assume it's three feet. To locate that we're going to have to put in the counter, put in one foot of space and then three foot opening. So, let's just pan over here and offset, o + enter 24. Likewise I can just type two feet, but 24 will do. Enter, and then I'll select this line, and click below it to offset that down. That will be the counter in the kitchen, then trim. Select this edge, enter and click this part to get rid of it. Enter to complete the command then o, Enter for offset. One-foot, enter. Offset this line down. And then again, enter, enter, three-feet, enter. Click this line and then click below it. And then enter, enter, nine, enter. Click this line and then click below it. Now I will use the move…
