From the course: Cert Prep Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design

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Understand profile view projection

Understand profile view projection

- [Instructor] We've seen how profiles can be shown in profile views, but there are other objects that can be shown there as well. Let's see what they are, and how it works. What we're talking about here are object projections, and there are a number of different object types that we can project to a profile view. To start the process, we click a profile view, and on the contextual ribbon, we can click project objects to profile view. Now here are the different types of objects that can be projected to profile views. For civil 3d objects, we can project points, feature lines, survey figures, and bridges that have been brought into civil 3d from infraworks. As for autocad objects, we can project points, blocks, mview blocks, 3d solids and 3d polylines. So let's take a look at projecting a few of those objects into our profile view. I've already launched the command, and the first thing I'll select is this 3d polyline…
