From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D: Topographic and Boundary Survey

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Creating tags and tag tables

Creating tags and tag tables

- Let's look at creating tag tables for the cases when our bearing and distance labels won't fit all on line. For example this one here. We do have the option of clicking the label and using the drag label node here to make that text fit. But sometimes this is undesirable for drafting. And that's when we would want to employ a tag table. So I'm going to reset this label by selecting it and right clicking "reset label" and now let's go to the annotate tab and choose "add tables" we're working with lines and curves so we'll go down here and click "add line tables". So here we can choose our table styles so we're going to display the length and direction of that line in our table and we have a few options here first one we're going to look at is just selecting a single tag and adding that to our table in the bottom left we have our pick on screen button we'll click that and we'll choose this label press enter to accept and now it's asking us the question what do you want to do with this…
