From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Fading clips

Fading clips

- [Instructor] Each clip in the multi-track editor has its own built-in controls to quickly add fades to the start and end of a clip. I've got this music edit here, and it starts and ends abruptly. Let's have a listen to the start. (orchestral music) Okay, and let's have a listen to the end. (orchestral music) As well as that, I have a music edit in the middle here that's very obvious. (orchestral music) So, what I want to do is try and add fades to each of these areas, to try and smooth out these transitions. I'll start with the very start of the clip, and I'm just going to zoom in to this with the + key, so I can see it a bit clearer. Now to add a fade-in to the start of this clip, all I have to do is select the clip, and I get this little fade-in control here. I'm going to click this, and drag to the right. And the further to the right that I drag this, the longer that I'm making the fade-in. I think I'm going to line this just up with the drum beat just here. You may notice I also…
