From the course: Video Post Production for Low-Budget Films

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Selecting the best takes

Selecting the best takes

- As you begin to piece together your sequence, one of the very first task we're faced with is deciding which take is best. Every so often, we will encounter the "money shot", a single take, often the last one, that is absolutely perfect, whether the actors nailed it, or the lighting was just right, it is clearly the best take we're going to have. In this case, our job as an editor is easy. But more often than not, however, the selection process is not so simple. Perhaps the easiest way to start eliminating potential options is from a technical perspective. Let's take a look at a scene from our film. In this specific scene, we had an old woman creeping very nervously down a hallway. We showed a bunch of different angles, wide shots, close-ups, and even some handheld coverage. So we have a lot of different options. Let's quickly run through how we made those decisions. As our character, the old woman, was creeping down the hallway, she was passing through different pockets of light…
