From the course: Audio for Video: 1 Getting Started

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Camera settings

Camera settings

In this movie, we'll take a look at capturing sound, along with picture right into your camera. To do that requires knowing about some options and some settings. These days, of course, your camera might be anything from a very expensive tripod mounted unit to a DSLR or even your smartphone or tablet. It's okay, I'm not here to judge you. What you need to know is that all cameras have a combination of knobs, switches, and of course, menus, and it's critical that you get the audio settings correct. If you don't do that, no amount of expensive equipment or careful planning will get you good sound. The first thing to consider is how you're going to capture sound on your shoot. You really have two basic options for recording sound. There called single system or dual system. Single system simply means that you are recording the picture and the sound on the same piece of equipment, the camera, commonly done. Dual system means your recording the picture on the camera, of course, but you're…
