From the course: Vocal Lessons: 3 Expanding Your Range

Your voice, your instrument

- Singing can be a very personal experience and one where it becomes way to important, in other words it can be an all-consuming thing where you're afraid to sound bad and you pay a lot of attention to how your voice sounds and all of this. What we're going to do is get a bit more of an exterior view. I wanna introduce you to your instrument, basically, and then as we move forward, we'll make it more and more detailed, so your voice isn't your personality, although your personality influences it. Your voice is your body, and all bodies of the human variety are composed, are designed, in the same way, some are larger, some are smaller, but the parts, how they interrelate, is the same. Let's take a look at your instrument, and I'd like you to do this along with me. First, please put your hands on your waist. Okay, feel that waist. Good, now come on up the sides. Feel the front, your abdomen, and your back. Do go through these steps. Singing is an action, not a watching. Okay, now feel your chest, shoulders, front of your neck, back of your neck. Mmhm, that's the encasing of the most important part of your instrument. Now, feel your chin, your face, top of your head, back of your head, and if you missed it, the back of your neck. That's it, from the outside. Your voice is inside everything that you just touched. There are parts to your instrument just like a guitar has tuning pegs, strings, a neck that the strings go along, the body of the guitar, all that kind of stuff. You know we have various parts that all interrelate and need to work together in the way they're designed to produce the sounds of your voice. Your arms are for expression, and your legs and feet are to haul your instrument around, but other than that it's from the waist to the top of your head. As we move forward in these lessons I'm gonna help you make friends with your instrument and help it to work for you, so that you can be the creative artist and it will work for you in the best way that it possibly can.
