From the course: Singing Lessons: 3 Essential Techniques

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Working in modal: Part 2

Working in modal: Part 2

- Let's play around with our head voice now. We've done a little bit of experimenting and listening and playing with our chest voice, and this is a single register with two modes of resonance really is how we should think about it. Our modal register is our speaking register. Our chest voice is the part of our speaking register that we sing in with a particular kind of resonance or placement that sounds like it's more coming from our chest. We're using the same register for head voice, but we're shaping the tone differently so it sounds different. I'm going to sing a G above middle C first in my chest voice just full chest register voice, and then I'm going to shift the resonance slightly to put it in my head voice. ♫ Ah That's chest ♫ Ah Lots of power, lots of clear, pure tone, but with a little bit of an edge. ♫ Ah Now I'm going to sing that same note also in my modal register, my speaking register, but I'm going to shift the resonance to put it in my head voice. ♫ Ah ♫ Ah Same…
