From the course: 31 Music Business Tips for Songwriters

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- Thanks for watching, and I hope you found the music business tips in this course helpful. Writing songs is a gift, and if that's all you ever do, it's always good to remind yourself of that simple fact. By the way, to learn more about songwriting, I'd like to recommend some of my other courses including Introduction To Songwriting, The Songwriting Process, Write, Think And Act Like A Professional Songwriter. 27 Practical Tips For Songwriters. The Dos and Don'ts of Songwriting Collaboration, and One Minute Motivational Tips For Songwriters. Please feel free to visit my website, to find out more about my songwriting critiques and coaching as well as how I can help you create professional demos of your songs with the best singers and session musicians in the business while you listen in live and in full fidelity from wherever you are. Well, that's it. Thanks again for watching and best of luck with your…
