From the course: Vocal Lessons: 3 Expanding Your Range

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What is register break? Achieving a multi-octave range, part 2

What is register break? Achieving a multi-octave range, part 2

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 3 Expanding Your Range

What is register break? Achieving a multi-octave range, part 2

- I've taught, now, tens of thousands of singers around the world with all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of accents, coming from all sorts of other, different languages than English, cultural differences in sound, backgrounds in terms of variation of prior techniques used in singing, and the one thing that tends to be the biggest, one of the biggest points of concern has to do with what's called register break. Register break is, if you're not familiar with the term, has to do with your singing, ♫ I am wonderful ♫ Or, you know, somehow I'm pretending, but, your voice sort of breaks on a note, or, you, you lose the consistency of the sound of your voice and it gets suddenly weak. There's an area of usually about three notes in the, between what, hmm, I hate using these words but you might think of it this way, between head and chest voice, or your lower range and your upper range, there's those few notes where the voice gets weak, uncontrollable, you know what I mean? So, that we'll…
