From the course: Jazz Piano: 4 Tunes & Practice Routines


- Hi, this is George Whitty. Welcome to my jazz piano course level four. At this point, we're playing a song called "Tune Up" by Miles Davis that has two five one progressions in three different keys, and we should be swinging nicely. We've got command of some good bop scales to keep us in sync with the harmony as we play, some pentatonic scales. We're going to continue to expand on those in this lesson, and we're going to add a chord to our collection of chords. So far we've got a minor chord, a dominant chord, and a major chord. Now we're going to look at an altered dominant chord, and we're going to give you bop scales to work with on that. We're also going to get our feet wet a little bit playing over a funk feel, a straight eighths feel rather than a swinging feel, and that's kind of a fun way to work out. It gives you a different place to go as you're practicing. So, have fun with the lessons, dig right in, and good luck with your practice.
