From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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"Wabash Cannonball"

"Wabash Cannonball"

- All right, now we're gonna try a little Wabash Cannonball. Nice easy chords, key of G. G, C, and D again. And this is one of those tunes, some songs the verse has one set of chords and when you go to the chorus, it's a completely different form. But this is another one of these tunes like Hand Me Down My Walking Cane where the verse and the chorus, the chords are the same for both of them. So that kind of makes it nice and easy. And as I said, on Hand Me Down My Walking Cane, you can learn these songs by figuring out which words the chords change on. So we're just gonna continue with that mode and pay close attention to which word I'm changing chords to and which chords I go at that moment. It's just gonna be G, C, and D. Same open chords. So we've got a nice little groove going on here. Very similar pattern, two beat groove. Kind of hitting the bass note. And then strumming a down stroke or a down up. (guitar music) I'll show you one other pattern. So I'm going bass down, bass, up,…
