From the course: Banjo Lessons: 4 Improvisation and Melodic Styles

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Single-string scale exercises: Part 4

Single-string scale exercises: Part 4

- Okay, folks! Here are the Single-string Exercises, Part 4. This time we're gonna start with the index finger. We started first with the pinkie, then the middle at the fifth fret now the index as we go back to Part 1 of this, you'll see what I'm talking about if you've just jumped into this one here, so (banjo music) doing the G scale starting at the fifth fret of the fourth string, with the index (banjo music) five, seven, nine, five, seven, nine, seven, eight, seven, nine, with the extension up to the B note, ninth fret of the first string. Again, what I'm doing is, doing segments where you go from the first note to the second and then first, second, third, back to the second, back to the first, one, two, three, four, three, two, one, and so on and so forth, so, here's the first one, (banjo music), second (banjo music), third (banjo music), fourth (banjo music). Okay and that covers all of them and again, my thumb is behind the neck, pretty far behind. I've got my hand pretty…
