From the course: Banjo Lessons: 3 Playing Songs

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"Shady Grove" (modal): Part 2, variation

"Shady Grove" (modal): Part 2, variation

From the course: Banjo Lessons: 3 Playing Songs

"Shady Grove" (modal): Part 2, variation

- Now here's the variation. (playing banjo) I love this tuning so much. It's so great. It's so much fun to play this. Okay, so you're going to start off-- (playing banjo) with two slides, three to five slide on the fourth string. I'm using the middle finger for that on the left hand. (playing banjo) Two alternating thumb rolls, thumb, index. Then the index hits the third string as you're sliding up on the fourth string. (playing banjo) Fifth, first, thumb, middle. (playing banjo) Repeat. And then you can just slide the middle finger back up to the seventh fret of the fourth string. (playing banjo) Again, this is bad form. I just like the idea of keeping the middle on the fourth string in this case. (playing banjo) Okay, measure 10. (playing banjo) I have it up, middle up at the seventh fret of the fourth string. (playing banjo) Open second and I let go, even though you can just keep it down because you hit it two notes later. (playing banjo) I want to let go of that so you have the…
