From the course: Social Media Promotion for Musicians, Artists, and Engineers

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Secrets to getting your posts liked

Secrets to getting your posts liked

- [Instructor] Likes aren't what they used to be in terms of the weight they carry. For one thing, it's easy to game the system by buying likes, although that can be detected easily. That said, having them does carry some social proof. A page that has a lot of likes makes you take notice, whether they've been bought or not. Even so, likes are getting harder and harder to get. For one thing on Facebook you only reach 3% of your fans with any one post. Of those 3% you can only count on about 10% at the most and 1% at the least to take action to like your post or go to the next step and like your page. That means if you have 1,000 fans only about 30 will actually see your post, unless you choose to spend some money to promote it, of those 30 you can expect 10% or less to like it if it's something that they're enthused about, which means you'll get three likes or reactions if you're lucky. This applies even to major artists who may have hundreds of thousands or even millions of fans, but…
