From the course: 31 Music Business Tips for Songwriters

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Reach out to a new cowriter

Reach out to a new cowriter

- [Instructor] Now, co-writing is an entirely different ball of wax, and a really, really great way to meet new songwriters and get great songs out in the world. But one of the things that tends to happen is we get entrenched in our couple of collaborators that we're comfortable with, that we like writing with, and we forget how important it is to reach out to new collaborators. It takes courage to do this, because you're stepping outside of your comfort zone yet again. But I am here to tell you that it is worth stepping outside of your comfort zone to get new collaborators in your life. Every time you find another constructive, productive collaboration relationship, you are increasing your chances of not only getting more songs out in the world, but learning something new about the songwriting process, because everybody approaches songwriting slightly differently. So if you've been with the same collaborators for a…
