From the course: Dan Lerner: Flourishing in Your Design and Career

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Pursuing the “good” life

Pursuing the “good” life

- [Instructor] In a way I like to look at the way that science and philosophies, or I would put it that science is especially, well recently, well I shouldn't say especially, but in my experience, how science has pursued the good life. So we can look at the Thoreaus and the Emersons and the Whitmans, and we know there is great grains of wonderful truth in there. But I'm curious also to see it from a scientific perspective. What does it mean to be outside in contact with the elements by Opehlia; we'll call that a study. What does it mean to be moving? What does it mean to be engaging? What does it mean to be exploring the way that they did, under the scientific lens. Because I think when we can put those two things together we have incredibly powerful movement ahead of us where we are talking about being the best that we can be. I mean we're talking about unique individuals both in terms of their capacity but also their…
