From the course: Banjo Lessons: 2 Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs

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Playing with others: Part 3

Playing with others: Part 3

- Now take this one step further, rather than just letting it ring out, a very common thing is to let the pressure of the strings lift your fingers up so it's damped. So you don't get the full ring, you just get that kind of sound. And it gives you a nice percussive sound, and you can have as much or as little of the chord as you want. You can just let go really quickly, and just get like a blip sound. Or you can let some of the chord ring so you can hear that G or C. Again, it's kind of a separation of notes, instead of going, you're going, (banjo picking) So, let's do Boil Them Cabbage Down with these chords again, but now damping those first three strings. And again, if you wanna just hit the first two strings instead of the first three strings, that's fine too. So it's, C, G, D, G, C, G, D, G. Now you may notice that as I hit the chord, I let go of the head. After playing for 45 or 46 years, just a few months ago I noticed on an old video of Flat and Scruggs playing from 1960, and…
