From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

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Lip trills: Limbering your voice with a song

Lip trills: Limbering your voice with a song

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

Lip trills: Limbering your voice with a song

- This is not the first time we're using this approach, but it is an important one to use in a song to limber your voice, exercise it in the context of the melody and so advance your singing directly with a song. And to help me out I'm going to bring on this lovely lady. Please come on in. And you can come a little closer, great. So what song would you like to use? And we'll start with you just singing through a verse of it. - Okay I'd like to use Amazing Grace. - Awesome, okay do you need to starting note? - Yes please. - Okay. What do you you like? That sound good? - Yeah. - Okay. - ♫ Amazing grace how sweet the sound ♫ That saved our edge like me ♫ I once was lost but now I'm found ♫ Was blind but now I see ♫ - Good, thanks. So we've got some strengthening to do with your voice, and as well to get more vibration and less air push. - Okay. - Make sense? - Yes. - Cool, now when air is pushing against the physical part that makes the vibrations of your voice it robs you of more…
