From the course: Social Media Promotion for Musicians, Artists, and Engineers

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LinkedIn networking tips

LinkedIn networking tips

- [Instructor] The key to being successful on LinkedIn is networking with people, and this platform may be the easiest way to connect with other people in your industry of anything available, and with high-level pros at that. Who should you connect with? Well, basically anyone in the music industry. Let's start with industry leaders, label execs, session musicians, musicians in other bands, studio owners, publishers, music attorneys, tech execs connected with the music industry, these are all valuable connections to have and a great place to start. Just do a search for any of those categories and see who pops up. Another one is journalists and bloggers. Journalists and bloggers make it difficult to connect with them on purpose, since they're inundated with press releases and people asking for reviews. LinkedIn allows you to connect with them on more of an even basis than through a cold solicitation through an email or a blog post. If you've ever attended an industry conference like…
