From the course: Banjo Lessons: 2 Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs

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"John Hardy," part 4: Backup

"John Hardy," part 4: Backup

- I want to do the full royal treatment on John Hardy, and do all sorts of different things to it. Let's talk about the backup for John Hardy right now. The easiest thing you can do is just use your F position... (banjo chords) Chords, starting on C, since the tune starts on C. It's not a bad idea with any tune that you're learning, and I'm not going to have backup for every single tune, in our lessons here, but, any time you learn a tune, figure out what the chords are, don't just play the tune, because as we were talking about with the D chord, sometimes you'll just be holding one note of the chord, and it may not occur to you that that's a D chord, but, really check out the chords, and maybe just do simple backup through it... A number of times, just so you get the sense of what the chords are. So for John Hardy, we start on C. (snippet of banjo music) As I mentioned earlier... (snippet of banjo music) When I'm doing this, I'll lift off my ring fingers. I'm sorry, lifting off the…
