From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis: Eurorack Expansion

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Introducing the multi-function disting

Introducing the multi-function disting

(synthesizer music) - Now let's move onto something a little bit more complicated, and a little bit more fun, a module that can take on multiple personalities. When you're working with modular synth, inevitably, no matter how big your system is, you're going to wish you had one more something, one more oscillator, one more LFO, one more envelope generator, one obscure utility to process a voltage in a certain way. Unless you own every module, which is kind of hard, and takes up a lot of room, how do you fill those holes? My secret weapon is this device known as a disting from Expert Sleepers. These modules can take on multiple personalities. The mk1 and mk2 can take on 16 different personalities, and here's a quick glance at what some of those personalities are. mks three and four have been expanded to take on dozens of different personalities. Now, the problem with a multiple personality module is remembering what all it can do, and a lot of us get into modulars because we don't want…
